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Nature Trail and Organising Cards

Took Bella for a walk through the nature reserve which is getting very overgrown at the moment.

You can barely see the path that goes around it as the bushes and grasses are growing into it :-( On the plus side, someone has installed a little swing so I had a swing while Bella was exploring. Took me back to my childhood as it's not something you tend to do once you are an adult lol.

Drove to Ambleside to do another CHRISTMAS appointment. It always feels weird doing it when it's nice weather and the middle of July but if we don't get them in early the best products and cards etc end up sold out before we even put our orders in. I also realised during the appointment that I am going to change the way I organise cards when it is a large company. I have currently been organising them all by range but having watched how Nick did his buying and spoken to him, it might be better to group them by occasion. That way for example if someone doesn't need any adult age cards they will all be in one pile so they don't need to go through that pile. Instead of them being integrated into the range and still having to go through them all when they don't need them. This should speed up the appointment time and make it less overwhelming and mind-numbing for the buyer.

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