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7 Months and Not a Drop!

Updated: Oct 31, 2023

I'm not exactly sure why but the past few weeks I have been feeling a bit low. I think a lot of it has to do with the lack of Summer and the constant grey skies and rain we have been having. I am just glad that I don't have to contend with that plus the come down from nights out with alcohol. My mental health would have been so much worse if I was already feeling low and then went out at the weekend. As I keep saying, alcohol is borrowing happiness from tomorrow, and at some point, it has to be paid back.

Today the sun was shining and there were lovely blue skys and it's amazing he difference it made to my day. I did have a Seasonal thingy, blue light somewhere acts like the sun on a bright day and makes your brain produce the same chemicals, so I need o invest in a new one.

On the whole, though I feel so much better for being completely alcohol-free and can honestly say that it hasn't really bothered me. Instead of going out to the pub now and again at weekends and spending days paying for it, I am doing my Buckt activities and other things that I have wanted to do for ages.

I haven't even been tempted to touch a drink even at home when I'm on my own. I have loads of booze available at home but it's not even a temptation for me because I am doing this for me, nobody else. I have even turned down a paid taste test because it was alcohol, even though I would have only needed to have a few sips. I want to be able to say I haven't had a drop of alcohol since I decided to do it. It's funny how so many occasions tend to involve alcohol and you only really notice when you have given it up. It's almost a social pressure constantly put on you to join in and 'not be boring' etc. Instead of giving in to the pressures I am just doing more self-reflection and looking at the reasons and situations that I would normally feel the need to have a drink for confidence. I am putting myself in those situations on purpose so that I can grow my confidence instead.

I would have thought that I would lose weight having given up all those extra calories that are in booze but to be honest I am probably eating more shite lol, You can't do everything all at once though so my next aim is to start being more active and getting back into yoga and eating healthier. I want to not only feel better but also look better as a result of no longer drinking.

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